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find the course for you! is a national database of training courses across Ireland. We list courses of all types from colleges and course providers around Ireland, from evening classes, postgraduate courses, 3rd level courses, corporate training courses, to distance learning courses.

Via the websites in the Network -,,, and, we list thousands of courses and programmes as well as publish weekly informative articles about every aspect of education in our articles library. Our goal is to help individuals and companies find relevant courses or providers for private and professional development training in Ireland.

We firmly believe in the value of education and continuing personal and professional development. Through and the other websites in our network, we not only help course providers to promote their courses but also those seeking information about courses to easily find the right options for them. For every course we list, we present relevant information such as content, prices, and start dates.

Users are able to request more information from the course organiser as well as apply for the courses directly online. We list everything from Taekwon-Do classes to Postgraduate Courses in Computing.

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courses and training - Ireland’s national courses database

read more - Part-time courses, adult education and further learning

read more - Postgraduate courses and options

read more - Third-level and PLC courses

read more - professional and corporate training programmes

read more - Online and elearning courses

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